Spotlight: An Earth Day Movie Event
We have an in-person event for you! Join us in person for the film screening of Here’s the Story: The Green Amendment THIS Friday, April 22nd, at 7PM EST at the Acme Screening Room in Lambertville, NJ followed by a panel of speakers featuring Senator Andrew Zwicker (Co-sponsor of the NJ Green Amendment), Steve Rogers (Director), Maya van Rossum (Founder), and Margaret Berei (NJ Student Sustainability Coalition). Check out the Facebook event page, theater event page, and buy tickets here!

News from Across the Green Amendment Movement
New Jersey: Let the People Be Heard!
After four years and more than 70 legislative cosponsors signed on since our work began in New Jersey, we still have not been granted a committee hearing. Yet the people of New Jersey want their environmental rights to be recognized, protected, elevated in a NJ Green Amendment. So in addition to hosting and encouraging phone banking events, lobby days, and Twitter campaigns, we are planning a People’s Hearing! If you are interested in the idea of a People’s Hearing, where NJ residents from all over will share their testimonies and stories for why they need and want a Green Amendment, please share your feedback on this idea via this Google Form. Insight into preferable locations in NJ and timing are extremely helpful for our planning committee to make this hearing impactful and accessible to all. And remember, we are only 3 COSPONSORS AWAY from having a majority of legislators in both the NJ Assembly and Senate signed on!
The Delaware Panel Series is Here!
Want to hear why a Green Amendment is wanted directly from members of Delaware communities?? Tune into Delaware’s Green Amendment Panel Series to find out! We are kicking the Panel Series off with three virtual programs in late April:
- Why Our Faith Communities Support A Delaware Green Amendment
When: Thursday, April 21st @ 7PM EST via Zoom. Register Now!

- How Will Sussex County Benefit from a Delaware Green Amendment?
When: Thursday, April 28th @ 6PM EST via Zoom. Register Here!

- The Green Amendment Will Help the Delaware Hispanic Community
When: Thursday, April 28th @ 7PM EST via Zoom. Register Here!

The Green Amendment Comes to the Great Lakes: WELCOME MICHIGAN!
The Great Lake state has begun its fight for a Green Amendment! The first steering committee meetings are underway, and we are seeking more supporters, organizers, and activists of all backgrounds and professions to get involved. A Great Lakes state, Michigan is a prime location for vacationers across the country and the desire to preserve these beautiful natural resources is ramping up, especially as another Summer approaches. If you would like to get involved or learn more about Michigan’s grassroots Green Amendment advocacy, sign up to receive updates here.

Maine Next Steps
Despite winning a majority House vote on March 24th (77 Y – 59 N), the Pine Tree Amendment was not passed through the Maine House because we just missed the 2/3 majority necessary for the bill to advance. We will need to regroup for the next legislative session in 2023, build bipartisan support in both houses, and spread awareness about what is at stake across the state.
In the meantime, the work never stops! Meetings with legislative champions are currently being held to engage in reflections about this past legislative session and how to strategize for success next year. Additionally, if you want to learn more about the Pine Tree Amendment this Saturday April 23, attend the National Water Dance at Winslow Park in Freeport, ME at 4PM EST, where Maine partner, Rich Killmer, will speak about the PTA.
GAFTG has begun a collaboration with Iowa supporters for exciting events this summer!! If your organization is holding an event or your group is interested in a Green Amendment talk, please reach out to us at The Iowa Green Amendment is joining our partners to launch “Iowa Beer: It’s All in the Water”, a year-long collaboration with craft breweries to celebrate the importance of clean water and promote the budding effort in the state. To stay updated on everything about the Iowa Green Amendment, sign up here.

Happy with the work you see this month? Support our work for May here!
Save the Date
Green Amendment Day 2022 (Wednesday, July 13th)
Last year, all attendees benefited with an enriched perspective and deeper understanding of Green Amendments and their potential for contributing to the end of environmental racism and rise of environmental justice through constitutional empowerment. Stay tuned to receive the 2022 programming for Green Amendment Day this summer!
Green Amendment Headlines
Why We Need An Environmental Human Rights Amendment in MD | Maryland Matters
3 Questions with Youth United for Climate Crisis Action Organizer, Jonathon Juarez | Santa Fe Reporter
Tabling of Green Amendment Angers Supporters | The Paper (New Mexico)
Environmentalists Call on Legislators to Sign ‘Green Resolutions’ | Coastal Point (Delaware)
Support Grows for the Pine Tree Amendment | Central Maine
Pine Tree Amendment Would Help Both Businesses and the Environment | Portland Press Herald (Maine)